Converting NIfTI-images into BIDS
Screenshot 1. Patient file - NIfTI
To start the importing process, simply select "Import NIfTI to BIDS dataset" and click "RUN". It is possible to import multiple patient files by holding shift and selecting multiple patients.
A window will pop up where you need to specify the session (preop or postop), type (anat, functional, dwi), modality and acquisition (sag, cor, axial, iso)
Here is another example with postoperative CT scans.
After Lead migrated all NIfTI files into BIDS format, you can find them in the selected output folder/dataset directory. In our case, the folder’s name was “Directory”
The folder contains three main sub-folders: “derivatives”, “raw data” and "source data". Each of these files contains data about our patients. The raw images that we have just converted will be stored under the "rawdata/sub-[PATIENTNAME]” folder. The Lead will use these data for further analysis.
“Dataset_description” file contains information about your dataset.
Last updated