Orientation of Directional Leads

Please note: The Orientation Feature for directional leads in LEAD-DBS is still in its preliminary stage. If you already want to use it for scientific puposes please contact till.dembek@uk-koeln.de

Orientation of Directional Leads

When investigating the orientation of directional leads it is important to keep in mind that so far no perfect automatic algorithm to exactly determine the orientation exists. Finding the exact results for lead orientation can be made difficult by a variety of factors e.g. inaccuracies in lead manufactoring, bad image quality, or highly tilted implantation angles. All results need to be carefully evaluated in the wider context and against other sources of information - e.g. the lead orientation originally planned by the neurosurgeon or results from intraoperative xray or fluoroscopy. LEAD-DBS currently offers different workflows for determining the lead orientation from postoperative CT imaging which will be discussed in the following subchapters:

  1. Manual Definition of Lead Orientation

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